【為什麼要穿白色寬鬆的衣服上課?Why wear loose white?  】

有好多學生問Zedric: 「為什麼要求學生穿全白色衣服來上昆達里尼瑜伽的冥想課呢?」


1)強化你的氣場 To strengthen your Aura


2)提升高我意識覺醒 To Achieve Higher Self-Awareness


3) 重返真實靈魂 To be Sat Nam

白色代表純潔、輕盈、自由與重新,就像練習昆達里尼是讓靈魂重返我們真實原始的身份(Sat Nam)而修練的一套瑜伽功法,而且白色符合昆達里尼重點:優雅!人生何時也要保持優雅~

4) 平等集體意識 To Connect With Others

當一班同學均穿上純白色衣服時,比起穿上不同雜亂顏色的衣物,不僅有團隊修練感,而且帶出意識:We are We-We are One ,我們都是平等的,沒有誰比較高,誰比較低誰,比較厲害,甚至給同學的某種顏色干擾你當天的心情,這樣思想會比較集中在自已練習身上~

5)保持清涼 To Stay Cool 


6)保持身體自然 To Stay Comfortable








Zedric實話直說,昆達里尼瑜伽本身是有錫克教原素在裡面,不排除Yogi Bhajan當年由印度引入這套瑜伽去美國的目的:宣揚錫克教,可是,先讓我們不談宗教,Zedric老師自已親身印證,當載上與不載上頭巾的時候,能量上是真的有差別,只於做學生的層面要不要載呢?這個不應該是由Zedric講便算數,應該是由你們來印證呢~

Sat Nam👳🏽‍♂️🙏🏾❤️

【Why wear loose white?  】


The normal, heathy Aura can extends nine feet around your body, but the color white extends your aura by an extra foot, reflects any negative influences, which ensures that your aura is kept pure and providing more protection from harmful energy free from any external disturbances. Also, white can projects your positive energy out to inspire others and attract prosperity into your life.


Because white reflects everything around you, it will clear your mind to focus deeply on introspection and achieving higher self-awareness. White can stay focused and become aware of yourself without interference from bold colors that set your mood. It is a way connecting to our higher consciousness. The ultimate goal of Kundalini Yoga is to increase our self-awareness so that our divine energy can flow freely.


The psychological effect of dressing in the same clothes for the same activity deepens your focus and builds identity. The color white represents purity, a new start, freedom, lightness, and peace. Moreover, we are looking very elegant when dressed in white.


When you wear white or light-colored clothing in community, you create a shared commitment and focus. Wearing white in community can raise the spiritual energy for everyone: we are we we are one we are the same~


Since Kundalini yoga can be active and challenging, white clothing has a super practical benefit, too: it keeps you cool.


The clothes of yoga practice should be comfortable. Nothing too tight, too itchy, or too likely to malfunction with a deep breath. Choose clothes that allow you to move freely, sit comfortably for meditation and chanting. Moreover, natural cotton clothes can expand your body aura and get healthy meditation state. 

Should students wear a Head Covering?

There are a 3 advantages:

  • Directs focus to the third eye
  • Protect the energy on crown chakras
  • It feels good on head pressure points and cranial adjustment .

Although I think Kundalini yoga have a strong characteristic of Sikh religion. (maybe a little tackle of Yogi Bhajan).

I’m not the one to tell you to wear turban or that. Instead, I’d suggest for you to experiment. And then notice for yourself how it impacts your experience of Kundalini yoga. Sat Nam👳🏽‍♂️❤️🙏🏾


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